Good Friday Meditations- Christus Victor

Good Friday Meditations: Christus VictorToday’s meditation on the atonement of Christ, like our first reflection in this series, confronts the universal problem of evil, pain, and suffering. Whereas our first model dealt with human suffering on a personal and...

Good Friday Meditations- Loving Sacrifice

Good Friday Meditations: Loving SacrificeOur next Paschal reflection follows along the same path as our previous meditation. In fact, for some Christian traditions, this understanding of the atonement serves as an alternative, or replacement, for the model upon which...

Good Friday Meditations – Suffering Love

Good Friday Meditations: Suffering LoveOur first introspective reflection on the atonement of Christ deals with the problem of human pain and suffering. This atonement model was developed in the 20th century, though traces of it can certainly be found throughout the...
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