Stay At Home Study Guide- Pentecost

 The term “Pentecost” comes from the Greek Πεντηκοστή (Pentēkostē) meaning “fiftieth,” as it occurs 50 days after the Passover FestivalThe Feast of Pentecost has many names in the Bible: “The Feast of Weeks,” “the Feast of Harvest,” and the “Latter...

Good Friday- Conclusion

Good Friday Meditations: Conclusion & SummaryAfter meditating on individual dimensions of the atonement, it might be wise to try to take a quick glimpse at the picture as a whole—as blurry and imperfect as that picture may be for us in the scope of time. It is...

Good Friday Meditations- Moral Influence

Good Friday Meditations: Moral InfluenceOur final contemplation on the atonement of Christ deals with the problem of our lack of love for God and our lack of motivation to follow him. This model is focused on human feelings, desires, and affections. Jesus Christ...
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