The term “Pentecost” comes from the Greek Πεντηκοστή (Pentēkostē) meaning “fiftieth,” as it occurs 50 days after the Passover Festival
The Feast of Pentecost has many names in the Bible: “The Feast of Weeks,” “the Feast of Harvest,” and the “Latter Firstfruits”
It is one of Israel’s 3 major agricultural festivals and the 2nd great feast of the Jewish year
This was one of the three pilgrimage feasts, when all Jewish males were required to
appear before the Lord in Jerusalem
Jews from all over the world came to the city to celebrate the festival
It was a joyous time of giving thanks and presenting offerings for the new grain and
firstfruits of the summer wheat harvest in Israel
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Discussion Questions:
1. In what ways do you think “new grain,” the Old Covenant, and baptism relate to the Christian understanding of the Day of Pentecost? 2. How would you describe the difference between the presence of the Spirit in the world before Pentecost and after? 3. What do you think was the significance of the utterances in other tongues during this event? And in what way does this remind you of the Spirit’s role in Jesus’ baptism? 4. What do you think were some of the main purposes of the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? 5. In what ways does Peter’s sermon reflect and fulfill these purposes?
Application Questions:
1. How do you think these purposes are being fulfilled in our world today? 2. How do you personally experience the presence and activity of the Spirit? 3. In what ways are you participating with the Spirit in the mission of the church? 4. How do you think you can better cooperate with the Spirit in your personal life? 5. How do you think you can better participate in the mission of the church?
Cheat Sheet: (1) a new community, a new covenant, and the fulfillment of baptism [the Spirit accomplishes the work that baptism symbolizes] // (2) in part vs. in full // (3) a miraculous sign demonstrating that the God of Israel was behind this “Jesus movement” and in this movement; the Spirit’s role at Jesus’ baptism: divine testification & approval of Jesus as Son of God, which commenced Jesus’ public ministry in the world // (4) to testify, to commission, to empower, to send out, to transform // (5) Peter, empowered by the Spirit and marked by the miraculous signs of the Spirit, preaches the gospel and calls people to discipleship through repentance & baptism